Pour back into your cup of health through a transformative 7-day Panchakarma retreat experience
Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic Cleansing Program that aims to eliminate accumulated toxins - it is a sacred and traditional way of deeply cleansing the body, mind and spirit. A way to give back to yourself in its greatest and highest form - better health! Health is truly your greatest wealth!
What is Panchakarma?
Panchakarma supports individuals to voyage closer to their state of true health and wellbeing.
Issues related to one’s own health, at most times can be due to years and decades of accumulated toxins due to consistent unhealthy food habits, lifestyle choices, routines, stress and even traumatic experiences that occurred physically, emotionally or mentally.
Panchakarma is an intense but yet rewarding process that aims at targeting these deeper rooted imbalances and concerns – bringing them up closer to the surface and then through different means processing them and eliminating them out.
what is Good Health?
The one who is established in Self, who has balanced doshas, balanced agni (digestive fire), properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of malas (toxins through feces, urination and sweating), proper functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul and senses are quiet and content, is called a healthy person.
- Suśruta
Benefits of Panchakarma
- Eliminate toxins in the physical, mental and emotional body
- Great way to target the deeper issues of health and the subtle energetic imbalances that one may accumulate throughout their lifetime
- Helps to reharmonize the Doshic imbalances to better support a sense of well being and a greater peace of mind
- Eliminates stress
- Allowing the body to restore its own healing process
- Enhances the body's digestive fire
- Strengthens the immune system
- Welcomes a greater sense of strength, resilience, vitality and longevity
- Helps to slow down the aging process
What's included in your experience?
- Ayurvedic consultation 2 weeks prior to arrival (conducted online)
- Online check-in 1 week prior
- 8 night stay at our Ashram, private room, shared bathroom
- Freshly prepared kitchari, offered 3 times daily
- Individualized herbal formula for the 7 day experience
- Daily check-ins
- Daily holistic therapies - Abhyanga, Svedana & Shirodhara
- Personalized daily yoga and meditation
- 12 tropical acres to explore, relax and unwind in
- 1 week post panchakarma online home check-in
Panchakarma Program
Optional add-ons not
included in price
Dates & Schedule
Check In – Sunday Evening by 5 PM
Check out – Following Monday Morning by 10 AM
2024 Available Dates
October 20 - October 28
December 1 - December 9