Sampoorna Apothecary

by Om Grace Ayurveda

Welcoming and embracing an integrated approach with Western, Chinese, and Ayurvedic herbs – deeply rooted in Ayurvedic foundations and sprinkled in herbal folklore traditions.

This is Plant Herbal Magic! Its no secret that it takes a village, we want you to know that you are not alone, that the plant community is here to help support you along your holistic and wellness journey

Maintaining your health as well as regaining harmony of proper health sometimes is not a quick fix. Many times the root of the imbalance comes from many years of improper daily habits or possibly a deep seated traumatic event that has blossomed into the fruit of suffering. This is not to sound discouraging, but more so to bring about awareness and to highlight that the road to your wellness is completely doable! While everyones steps are unique to their own individual goals, it usually takes many components consisting around healthy food habits, lifestyle adjustments, routine, movement/exercise such as yoga, cleansing methods, and incorporating natural herbs. Om Grace Ayurveda wishes you success on your path and offers this Sampoorna Apothecary line as a perfect compliment to support you onwards

  • These products are considered a herbal supplement, not a drug. Therefore they have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
  • Om Grace Ayurveda also does not claim that any of these products are to treat, cure or prevent any type of disease
  • But do note, that Om Grace Ayurveda has thoughtfully curated, prepared and bottled all of the products with her whole hearted devotion and love. It is nothing short of so much honor, gratitude and love to offer a sliver of this service to you all

With love, grace & light

Ashley Franco

Founder & Owner of Om Grace Ayurveda LLC